Nine Lives: The Chartwell Exhibition 2003

Nine Lives installed in Auckland Art Gallery's New Gallery, 2003
Nine Lives: The Chartwell Exhibition 2003
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
13 September 2003 - 23 November 2003
Curated by Robert Leonard, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Nine Lives featured energetic work by Et Al., Giovanni Intra, Julian Dashper, Jacqueline Fraser, Bill Hammond, Michael Parekowhai, Peter Peryer, John Reynolds and Michael Stevenson. It featured a number of works by each of the nine artists represented in and collected in depth by the Chartwell Collection.
Not your usual group show, Leonard said of the exhibition - “I would like Nine Lives to be read essentially as a show of individuals.”

Left: Untitled, Giovanni Intra (1995-6)

Installation View

Reflection of Untitled (Studded Suit) by Giovanni Intra (1990)

et al.

W D Hammond, left to right: Buller's Table Cloth (1994) (Auckland Art Gallery Collection), Whistler's Mothers (2000) (Chartwell Collection), Passover (1989) (Chartwell Collection), and Japan 3, 4, 5 (1992) (Auckland Art Gallery Collection).

W D Hammond, left to right: Channel Zero (1988) (Chartwell Collection), Buller's Table Cloth (1994) (Auckland Art Gallery Collection), Whistler's Mothers (2000) (Chartwell Collection).

Julian Dashper, left to right: Untitled (1991) (1991), Untitled (Target) (1993), Untitled (1996), The Anguses (1992). All Chartwell Collection.

John Reynolds, Gulch (1986) (left), and The Western Dream (1993). Both Chartwell Collection.
Michael Parekowhai, left to right: Kiss the Baby Goodbye (1994) (Chartwell Collection), Etaples, Passchendale and Boulonge (2001) and Acts. (10: 34-38) "He went about doing good" (1993) (centre floor) (all Auckland Art Gallery Collection).
Michael Parekowhai, left to right: Roebuck Jones and the Cuniculus Kid (2001), Craig Keller (2000) and Neil Keller (2000). All Chartwell Collection.
Michael Stevenson, assorted newspaper headlines (2002, floor) (Auckland Art Gallery Collection), Art old and new (2002, left) and Hotel bill (2002) (both Chartwell Collection).
Michael Stevenson, back wall: The Free Exchange of Ideas No. 1, 2 and 3 (1996). Centre: Slave Pianos (of the Art Cult) (1998-99). All Chartwell Collection.