
Creative visual thinking is fundamental to us all as human beings as we strive to understand our sense of self and the world. Chartwell seeks to deepen understanding about the importance of art and creative thinking for our future and our wellbeing. 

In 2024-2025 Chartwell celebrates its 50th Anniversary, marked in part by the publication of our Chartwell Project book. Purchase your copy here.



Since 1974, Chartwell’s mission has been to understand, support, demonstrate and articulate the value and impact of creative visual experiences. We aim to enhance our understanding of the potential of the creative mind, and so encourage everyone to access and use both their sensing, imagining bodies and conscious, reasoning minds. Chartwell addresses this urgent need in a number of key ways.



Chartwell is an explorer of the visual world. We want to know more about how and what we see. When both the eye and the mind are active, the creative process opens to the artist and viewer. The Chartwell Collection provides the viewer many examples of creative visual thought in action. 

- Exhibitions


Walls to Live Beside, Rooms to Own | The Chartwell Show

Walls to Live Beside, Rooms to Own | The Chartwell Show

September 03 2022 — March 26 2023

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki

Using the Chartwell Collection as a source, Walls to Live Beside, Rooms to Own is a response to our relationship to life at home – one that has been significantly impacted for many, if not all, of us during the global pandemic.…

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Shout Whisper Wail!

Shout Whisper Wail!

May 20 2017 — October 15 2017

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki

Shout Whisper Wail! featured works in the Chartwell Collection as well as works commissioned by Chartwell especially for the exhibition.

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Pablo Picasso

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.

Pablo Picasso


Chartwell supports artists as they make and think. Making is an active and connected process, involving the interaction of intention, intuition and intellect with the mediums of the world. Chartwell is making too - making a difference through philanthropy and enabling access to creative activities and research.

- Projects


Squiggla is a tool that helps you develop creative thinking through the power of mark making.

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Chartwell encourages everyone to think about art and the creative process with a commitment to drive an understanding about the significance of the visual arts to general creative thinking. We share a curiosity to know and learn more: an imaginative, ongoing investigation. 

- Advocacy

The Creative Thinking Project

At the heart of the project is the aim to start a global conversation about creativity. Chartwell fervently believes that everyone is born creative; but along the way, as we grow up, far too many of us come to think of creativity as a special talent that only applies to a few.

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