New Vision - A Critical View of the Visual Arts Infrastructure

New Vision - A Critical View of the Visual Arts Infrastructure
New Vision - A Critical View of the Visual Arts Infrastructure.
Creative New Zealand (CNZ) and The Chartwell Trust, 1997.
In 1997, CNZ and The Chartwell Trust commissioned McDermott Miller Limited to prepare a report looking into the visual arts infrastructure in New Zealand, to provide strategies through which CNZ could offer improved services to artists. The report provided timely findings that assisted in the strengthening of the range of services available to the visual arts in New Zealand and became an important advocacy publication with discussion topics ranging from the crucial role of the visual in contemporary culture, to advocacy topics involving government representation, to scholarship and research topics. Trends in policy, education and funding were examined as was the role of the market and the private sector, and the role of international promotion ( the attendance at international biennales was proposed) especially around how the visual arts could play a role in enhancing the political, economic and cultural identity of New Zealand.
In 2020, Chartwell has again commissioned a publication to look into the current state of the public gallery sector in New Zealand with particular research focus on the need for dynamic and effective advocacy about the arts within both operations of local and central Government. Check this out here.

The Chartwell and CNZ report commissioned in 1997