Artist-Run Spaces in New Zealand

Photo Credit: Gabrielle Amodeo
Artist-Run Spaces in New Zealand
Chartwell supported Gabrielle Amodeo with her research project looking at artist-run spaces in New Zealand. Many of New Zealand’s accomplished artists have been involved in setting up, running, or exhibiting within artist-run spaces, either in their early or established careers. Gabrielle worked with Enjoy Public Art Gallery in Wellington on this publication, bringing together a body of work from contributing writers and artists. Titled ASSAY / ESSAY: ARTIST-RUN IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND, this publication researched the forms and commonalities of artist-run spaces, the role they play for emerging artists as both a gate-keeper and a stepping stone, and the heritage they create. This publication ultimately addressed a gap within New Zealand’s art history by bringing together a breadth of topics relating to the significance of artist-run spaces for many New Zealand artists.