The Big Bang Theory: Recent Chartwell Acquisitions

Julian Dashper, The Big Bang Theory, 1992-93, enamel and acrylic on drumskins
The Big Bang Theory: Recent Chartwell Acquisitions
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
4 May 2002 - 25 August 2002
This was the fifth of a series of annual exhibitions of works acquired by the Chartwell Collection, curated by Allan Smith, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. The title of the exhibition refers to work by Julian Dashper – a 1992-3 installation The Big Bang Theory that featured in the show. Made up of five full drum kits, the work presented a classic synopsis of New Zealand art history – a laying down of culture’s rhythm section.
Other artists who had work in the exhibition included Laurence Aberhart, Tony de Lautour, Scott Eady, Richard Grayson, Melinda Harper, Niki Hastings McFall, Tom Kreisler, Et Al., Ani O’Neill, Michael Parekowhai, John Reynolds, Ricky Swallow, Jan Van Der Ploeg, Gordon Walters, Louise Weaver and Boyd Webb.